Saturday, 7 January 2012

I signed up to sewweekly 2012 because I am clearly mad

Ever done something you weren't sure about? Did it turn out ok? Last year I sewed along with and managed just under bi-weekly. Mena, chief-blogess of sewweekly asked for people to sign up for this year.

So I did. Here's my first post.

I did warn Mena that I couldn't do every challenge though.... I only did 22 this year.

Still, I'm in: are you?


  1. You're very brave! I think I'm going to chicken out! I'll just put a picture up whenever I finish anything...which at the moment will be an achievement!

    Good Luck!

  2. I wonder why I did it too, but here we go! :) Right after I signed up I got a job offer in New York, so now I'm not sure when I'll be able to sew again!

  3. YAY! So glad you've signed up...and yes, you're mad...but we're all a bit mad aren't we? That makes it more fun :) xoxoxo

  4. Bonkers is the proper word. Last year's sign ups were bonkers and so are you :) Have the bestest fun taking part and I'm looking forward to your creations. Bonkers ... all of you!

  5. Yay! I'm so glad you signed up too! It's going to be so much fun. :-)

  6. Thanks girls - here's to a year of sewing! xx

  7. Have fun Charolette.. Thats what its all about.. Looking forward to each posting.. Happy Sewing.

  8. It doesn't matter if you don't do every one - I'm not - that's the idea isn't it? That there's more contributors to share the burden. AnNyway, good luck and glad you're there!

  9. Good for you, last year was amazing, wish you luck! I'm personally not sure yet, I'm holding back as I have so many other sewing projects on the go, but I still love SW and will be cheering everyone on.

  10. That is great! I didn't sign up, but I will still be sewing along I just figured with my english skills it would take me forever to write a post. Happy sewing Nora

  11. I'm sign too.. But I won't be able to do a challenge until feb... Don't worry

  12. We're all in this together, and luckily we won't be receiving grades for attendance ;)
    Awesome dress! I think every woman needs a full skirted dress with red roses.

  13. Thanks all, it's so lovely to have support, thank goodness we don't get grades, I couldn't cope! xx
